Miracles on Camino - An Emotions Guide by Dan Pally
The book provides a first-hand account of the information I had and discovered to complete the Camino as an extraordinary experience. The miracles are there
It may help you answer the question, Why Walk the Camino? How? Where? When? With Whom?
Everything was extraordinary: the people I met, the places I saw, and the emotions that filled my soul. The first lesson after the Camino de Santiago: the Camino is within reach of most, and most of us can do it.
The book includes historical, geographical, and planning-related information. It contains over 100 photos that can give you an idea of the Way from Viana do Castelo to Santiago de Compostela. Miracles on Camino Portuguese book has something for everyone.
In addition to the book, you will find on my website content, maps, GPX coordinates of the road travelled each day and updated information.
Chapters Include:
The CallThe PreparationThe DepartureVila do Conde - EsposendeEsposende - Viana do CasteloViana do Castelo - CaminhaCaminha - TuiTui - O Porri oO Porri o - RedondelaRedondela - PontevedraPontevedra - Caldas de reisCaldas de Reis - Padr nPadr n - Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela - Fisterra - Muxia - SantiagoEpilogueQ&A