One plate, one fork, one knife, and one spoon. A mattress in the middle of the room, and no table or chairs to sit on, just the floor - do you know the type?
Don't worry, this book won't be one of those.
I have been a minimalist most of my life, but I have not been sleeping on the floor and washing my dishes in the shower. I have, however, found a way of life that has made me happy, and I would like to share that with the world.
In this day and age, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting. The new iPhone is coming out, and suddenly the one we have already isn't as appealing, as it "only" has two camera lenses. Sadly, the new phone won't give a sense of happiness for long, and you are left wanting more. Relying on acquiring a new phone, new clothes or a new car to gain happiness is not only bad for our general well being but also our wallets.
Minimalism can have many faces, and we're all different. What is ideal for my happiness, might not be suitable for yours, so in this book, I will walk you through different ideas, that can help you be the minimalist you want to be.
I will let you in on my secrets to:
I will leave no stone unturned teaching you all you need to start decluttering your home and live a simpler, but happier life with less.
**Scroll to the top and press buy now, so you can start becoming a minimalist today.**
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