"This is our Grand Central Station," Luke said. "The girls who were sold will be picked up here. The rest of you will get chip implants for tracking and tattooed SLRNs."
"Slave Registration Number. In the event you escape as several have from time to time, the chip allows us to track you. It also sets off an alarm in stores as if you were shoplifting. People in the know will realize there is a reward for your return, and will learn where and how by referencing your SLRN on a website. Many of the girls have them tattooed as a barcode on the back of their neck so the people at the transportation hubs can more easily spot them."- - -
Oh fuck Could she really be the elusive, exclusive assassin? "Somehow I can't see you as a killer. You're too charming....
"I"m not merely an assassin. I'm a raging sociopath. I ad-lib, make it up as I go. Unpredictability is a necessity in my line of work.....You once mentioned I was incredibly charming. For future reference, remember that is the symptom of a sociopath."