Drawing from the contributions of 20 academic and public library middle managers, this book reveals knowledge, expertise, and insights on a variety of management topics and responsibilities.
Conflict resolution. Professional development. Budget cuts. Mentoring and performance evaluations. Time management. Diversity and workplace culture. All of these topics--as well as many others--represent challenges for library middle managers. This unique resource provides the key insight needed to successfully advance a middle management career to the highest levels in librarian administration. Middle Management in Academic and Public Libraries examines managerial topics such as the balance of authority and responsibility as viewed by middle managers, views of middle managers engaged as youth services librarians, collaboration efforts between public and technical services, integrating modern technologies into library services, and recommended career ladder steps. Each of the 20 contributors shares his or her specific expertise, resulting in an engaging compilation of great depth and breadth containing the "pearls of wisdom" that an aspiring middle manager needs in an academic or public library setting.