1. In situ Detection of microRNAs in Animals
Dylan Sweetman
2. Detection of microRNAs in Plants by In situ Hybridization
?va V?rallyay and Zolt?n Havelda
3. Detecting Animal and Plant microRNAs by Northern Blotting
Sara L?pez-Gomoll?n
4. Profiling microRNAs by Real-time PCR
Nana Jacobsen, Ditte Andreasen, and Peter Mouritzen
5. Detection of Small RNAs and microRNAs using Deep Sequencing Technology
Ericka R. Havecker
6. Detection of microRNAs in Prostate Cancer Cells by microRNA Array
Xiaoqing Tang, Xiaohu Tang, Jozsef Gal, Natasha Kyprianou, Haining Zhu , and Guiliang Tang
7. microRNA Knock Down by Cholesterol Conjugated Antisense Oligos in Mouse Organ Culture
Sharon Kredo-Russo and Eran Hornstein
8. Protocols for Use of Homologous Recombination Gene-targeting to Produce microRNA Mutants in Drosophila
Ya-Wen Chen, Ruifen Weng, and Stephen M. Cohen
9. Engineering Elements for Gene Silencing: The Artificial microRNAs Technology
Pablo Andr?s Manavella and Ignacio Rubio-Somoza
10. Mimicry Technology: Suppressing Small RNA Activity in Plants
Ignacio Rubio-Somoza and Pablo Andr?s Manavella
11. Experimental Validation of MicroRNA Targets using a Luciferase Reporter System
Francisco E. Nicolas
12. Experimental Identification of microRNA Targets by Immunoprecipitation of Argonaute Protein Complexes
Michaela Beitzinger and Gunter Meister
13. Comprehensive Identification of miRNA Target Sites in Live Animals
Dimitrios G. Zisoulis , Gene W. Yeo, and Amy E. Pasquinelli
14. Target Validation of Plant microRNAs
C?sar Llave, Jos? Manuel Franco-Zorrilla, Roberto Solano, and Daniel Barajas
15. A High-throughput Sequencing-based Methodology to Identify All Uncapped and Cleaved RNA Molecules in Eukaryotic Genomes
Matthew W. Endres, Rebecca T. Cook, and Brian D. Gregory
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