Every single one of us has tried Mexican cuisine at some point in our lifetime - well, at least some form of Americanized Mexican cuisine.
You see, true and authentic Mexican food is completely different to what many people eat on a day to day basis. In fact, true Mexican is full to the brim with unique flavors, incredible smells, and amazing colors.
And as a bonus, it's both incredibly healthy and unbelievably tasty - and we intend to provide you with a simple step by step approach that will allow you to have this high quality, healthy, and authentic cuisine in the comfort of your own home.
In the course of this book, you will learn how to make:
- Authentic Mexican breakfast recipes - Authentic Mexican lunch recipes - Traditional Mexican dinner recipes - An abundance of amazing Mexican side dishes - Incredible native Mexican dessert recipesSo what are you waiting for? Dive in and open your eyes to some of the tastiest food on the planet.