Memories of Tears and Laughter
There is no doubt our pets become part of our family. We laugh at their antics and wonder about their mannerisms, we worry when they are sick, and we care for them as we would our closest kin.
The life of every living thing must come to an end. Losing a pet is a grief often suffered in silence because not everyone understands or sympathizes. The pain of losing such a beloved family companion is equaled only by the love you shared.
Karen Schurr has written a tribute to her extraordinary cat, Kozmo. The book is part personal memoir and part cat biography, if there is such a thing. In sharing her story, she hopes to entertain readers with personal accounts, original photographs and drawings, humor, optimism and practiced advice to better understand the grief of loss and develop strategies to cope with mourning.
An emotional rollercoaster ride with a lingering, uplifting message.