Poet Kalidas has painted in his epic, all beauties,
Sweet flavour, coming from wet-soil, beauty of kadamba forest, buds of land champa-all take us to dream world. Kalidas did not establish any specific way for future poets. He was immersed in his own world of his genuineness. This is a significant departure from many other poets in the world. His epic signs like this: - "on seeing, eyes become pleasant thinking, hearts are happy, world makes happier abode, stream of honey pours into ears draws like from heart. "How it is, rubbed with honey becomes peerless home".
In Raghubangsha epic, Kalidas has said, "at the end of yoga I shall leave my body". When my body becomes old, through yoga like torn clothes, it can be thrown out and then achieve a new body, so this yoga was in vogue at the time of Kalidas. It is presumed that great poet Kalidas practised "yoga"
which helped him know and analyse mind of matter as well as humans and non humans, thus success came to him.