A Dusty Tomes Audio BookIn Cooperation with Spoken Realms
Meetings With Poe from Recollections, Personal and Literary by Richard Henry Stoddard
Narrated by Joseph Tabler
A. S. Barnes and Company 1903.
Editor's Note: Living as he did through several distinct periods of American literary history, Mr. Stoddard's recollections inevitably represented a range and a richness that made their preservation essential.
From the Introduction by Edmund Clarence Stedman: (Richard Henry Stoddard) began long enough ago to have had his early poetry refused by Poe because it was too good to be the work of an obscure stripling.
From 1870 to 1873, he was a confidential clerk to George B. McClellan in the New York dock department, and from 1874 to 1875 city librarian of New York. He was a literary reviewer for the New York World (1860-1870); one of the editors of Vanity Fair; editor of The Aldine (1869-1879), and literary editor of the Mail and the Mail and Express (1880-1903).
Dusty Tomes Audio Books are public domain books retrieved from the ravages of time. Available for the first time in this format for your pleasure and consideration.