Spencer is a little boy who loves to have fun. To make more time for fun, he rushes through his chores and is very proud of how quickly he gets things done before going out and playing with friends. One of the things he always rushes is brushing his teeth.
When his mom takes Spencer to visit the dentist, Dr. Milly has some advice. Since Spencer has been rushing his brushing, his mouth is full of sugar bugs There is a solution, though. Dr. Milly gives Spencer a rubber duck named Duck McBrush-a sugar bug fighting superhero.
With the help of Duck McBrush, Spencer learns the importance of brushing his teeth properly, and the next time he visits Dr. Milly, Spencer gets some good news. Thanks to his duck friend, Spencer's teeth are now healthy and shined. It turns out he doesn't need to rush everything. In the spirit of the Elf on the Shelf, Meet Duck McBrush helps children learn to slow down and brush their teeth until they, too, become sugar bug fighting superheroes