The Medical Language Instant Translator, 5th Edition equips you with the quick-reference information you need to understand even the most complicated and specialized medical terminology. This handy pocket book gives you instant access to everything from the top 100 prescription drugs to medical abbreviations, symbols, and acronyms. Based on Chabner's The Language of Medicine, this practical resource is ideal for any health care environment.
Quick, portable access to key medical terms and other need-to-know information. Common diagnostic tests and procedures. Easily confused medical terms. Overview of body systems anatomy with full-color illustrations. Medical abbreviations, acronyms, symbols and more Adds a new section on eponyms -words based on or derived from a person's name.Adds a new section on Major Diagnostic Categories & Diagnosis-Related Groups (DRG). Includes updates corresponding to those in the Language of Medicine, 9th Edition, by Davi-Ellen Chabner.