Invisible pain. Is there a purpose in it and a path through it? This book contains inspirational poetry for those touched by physical and emotional pain or suffering.
Some excerpts:
Though briars leave their mark on you
They painfully succeed
In driving you to seek the One
Wholl heal you when you bleed.
And so if I at first recoil
And from Your cup retreat,
I ask that You remind me, Lord,
The aftertaste is sweet.
The pain in my life is no detour,
But part of His plan from the start.
Its no disadvantage that I must endure
My platformdirect from His heart.
You have a bright tomorrow,
Though yesterday left wounds.
It is these very scars Hell use
To grow His choicest blooms.
But my ways are not Gods ways,
And He knows best, you see,
The sweetest song I ever sang
Birthed through the pain in me.
Ones thoughts directly affect ones emotions and actions.
Therefore, the author includes the truth of Scripture to replace the lies and distortions of the enemy.
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