Andy is on planet Maxwell 01 which is the first of the Maxwell Empire and is 4 light years away from Earth.
Andy and his siblings are the Ones. The first humans on Maxwell 01. He was born in the 4573 Earth year or 0000 Maxwell 01. They take Earth years, months to keep it simple for Earth people when they read messages from Maxwell 01. It is now 4587 or 0014. So he is 14 year old Andy One.
Andy makes many pertinent observations on Earth humans over the history of Earth. His diary was written in the year 4587 and Earthlings will read it in 4591 as he is four light years away.
In the thirtieth century the Maxwell Government set up a program to spread humans throughout space. Ten spaceships are to be built initially and sent off to potential life supporting planets after they have been altered as they have no oxygen or life on them. They are from four light years to forty light years away so the time for a spaceship to get to them will vary from eight hundred years for the nearest to eight thousand years for the furthest.
The spaceships are huge robots taking the DNA message of all living things on Earth to begin again on ten planets.
Maxwell 01 left in 3415 and arrived in 4234. The robots produced Andy and the other Ones in 4573.
See the website for the books at for copies of the Octet you can print, details of the characters in the books, the history to the year 4587, a list of terms used in Maxwell Empire Books, and a description of the beginning of the Maxwell Empire.