When Max accidentally leaves the bath running upstairs, nothing could prepare him for the chaos that follows. To make matters worse, the family have left the house for the day to attend various sporting activities.
It's not until a half-time break at Max's footy game, that he suddenly realises the bath is still running at home.
With his parents at his sister's netball grand-final, Max has no choice but to take some random kid's bike from the footy ground so he can ride home and start bucketing out the water before his parents get there first. However, unfortunately for Max, things don't always go according to plan.
Series Overview
Nine-year-old, Max has a talent for creating more than his fair share of trouble. He doesn't mean for things to go wrong. The problem is, the harder he tries to fix the situation, the worse it usually becomes. As he flounders his way from one accidental disaster to another, there's guaranteed to be more mix-ups and mayhem along the way.