Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services guidesyou through the process of creating and managing a public cloud andvirtual network using Microsoft Azure. With step-by-stepinstruction and clear explanation, this book equips you with theskills required to provide services both on-premises andoff-premises through full virtualization, providing a deeperunderstanding of Azure's capabilities as an infrastructure service.Each chapter includes online videos that visualize and enhance theconcepts presented in the book, and access to a Windows app thatprovides instant Azure updates and demonstrates the process ofgoing from on-premises to public cloud via Azure. Coverage includesstorage customization, connectivity, virtual networks, backing up, hybrid environments, System Center management, and more, giving youeverything you need to understand, evaluate, deploy, and maintainenvironments that utilize Microsoft Azure.
Understand cost, options, and applications of Infrastructure asa Service (IaaS)Enable on- and off-premises connectivity to AzureCustomize Azure templates and management processesExploit key technologies and embrace the hybridenvironmentMastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services is yourtotal solution.