This authoritative manual was written by an expert in the field. The author, G. Emil War, has practiced real estate law for over forty-four years. In addition to being outside counsel to a major law firm involving a multi-million dollar case, and an expert witness, Mr. Ward has written pamphlets for Massachusetts describing rights of landlords and tenants. He has taught the subject in law school and has lectured on the subject to judges, landlords, lawyers, brokers, property managers, and tenants. Attorney Ward served as co-chair of the Massachusetts Real Estate Bar's Landlord-Tenant Section. He has written rent escrow bills and testified on Beacon Hill before the Legislature. Mr. Ward has spoken on TV about landlord-tenant issues and he has literally written the book:
Massachusetts Landlord-Tenant Practice: Law and Forms, a 649-page practice manual.
If you are a Landlord or Property Manager, you cannot afford to be without this book.
Testimonial: "Best lawyer ever."- Marijane McCarthy