Mary Sue's Magnificent Snow Day
One morning, Mary Sue woke up to loud squeals of excitement coming from outside. She jumped out of bed and ran to her bedroom window. What a surprise The ground was white Children were everywhere All that Mary Sue could think about was getting outside But, her mom had other ideas. She said today was a regular day for them. Her mom had work so Mary Sue would be with her daycare friends. How could this be? This was not just a regular day As soon as Mary Sue saw the snow she knew that it would be a magnificent day
However, Mary Sue's mom was not going to change her mind. Since Mary Sue had already put on her coat, hat, and gloves, she decided her mom wouldn't mind if she waited for her outside. She always listened to her mom. Not today. Mary Sue was too excited. Will she get in trouble? Will her mom change her mind when she sees how much fun they would have playing in the snow? Maybe the day would turn out to be magnificent, after all. Or, would Mary Sue's day just be a regular day?