A simple method to manifest your desires and receive answered prayers.
When faced with difficult life situations-especially when we are feeling helpless-prayer is often our go-to tool for guidance and hope. But if your requests frequently go unanswered, if you're not manifesting your needs, or if you sometimes wonder if anyone hears your prayers at all, this little book is for you.
Most of us have never been taught how to pray other than, perhaps, ancient, rote words to recite. We've never been shown how to frame a request that unties God's hands and frees the heavenly hosts to assist us.
A champion of prayer since childhood, Jamie Linn Saloff shares her methods for creating simple requests that get answers. You'll quickly build your faith and increase your success rate.
No matter how you imagine God (the Divine, Angels, Guides, an invisible force), this non-denominational, quick-to-read book will provide valuable insights into the power of prayer.
Buy Marvelous Messages from Your Faith and start getting your requests answered today.
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