-Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Author of Hush and Naked for Tea
In this fleeting world of joy and sorrow, these startlingly lovely poems by Andrea Potos are salutary, like taking a quick, deep, clarifying breath. If only one could ever have by one's side such a poet-a wise poet who, despite the darkest odds, reminds us to never even consider choosing anything other than hope. This is a summer book to keep in one's proverbial winter coat.
-Richard Jones, Editor of Poetry East
Reading the poems in Andrea Potos' new collection, Marrow of Summer, I was reminded of kotodama, the Japanese belief that deep mystical powers can dwell in words. How else to explain the draw of Potos' compact, prayerful, and fresh-sighted poems? With her trademark optimism and hope, she invites us in this new collection to create the place from where your beloveds may soar, so that we too might soar right along with her, into the heart of everyday life made more miraculous by the force of these carefully chosen words.
-James Crews, Editor of How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope
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