Life can be tumultuous in so many ways. Its triumphs and tragedies change forever who we are. Its vagaries stretch out across the centuries in ways we cannot imagine.
In this eleventh installment of the Marriage Man series, Max Butler faces his most well-resourced opponent to-date. With his contract to register births, marriages and deaths performing at its award-winning peak, envious of the plentiful profits to be made, and with hundreds of millions of pounds at stake, forces conspire to bring about the collapse of Life Events with consequences reaching far into the future for his family.
Determined to retain control of the highly successful business he has created, Max vows to throw everything at his disposal against his opponents even if it means employing the odd underhand trick or two. But that level of guile falls way short of the deceit and chicanery employed against him and his allies. In this 'make or break' story, emerging technologies are used to reveal the clandestine activities of local authorities to the full scrutiny of public accountability in the lead up to another Russell family wedding.