'...If the disciple manages to completely surrender to Christ, to become imbued with His commandments to the depths of all his "selves", these are his contradictory subpersonalities, then he will be able to gradually transform his inner ore into gold, he will be able to become a Christian.
A true Christian is he who follows the commandments of Jesus Christ and is the bearer of His impulse. He, who attracts the currents of Jesus into his heart and melts the ore of his soul in the alchemical fire. He, who sacrifices his efforts for the sake of raising the fallen universe. But for this, the disciple needs to have a high level of spiritual being and will power, which is capable of resisting the numerous temptations of life.
In order to realize ideas on the level of being, the disciple needs to make daily efforts in working on himself. This means to undergo the purification stage and perform the practices of awakening that transform our inner lead into spiritual gold...'
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