What does being a Malfunction mean? Well, to put it in simple terms, you're dead meat. Being a Malfunction is fatal, and it often gets you killed in front of the entire State. The only thing you can do to escape death is run. Run as far away from The State as you can.
Life in The State is not exciting. Cassiopeia has lived there her entire life, and that basically means that she has lived a satisfying life. According to the government, that is. She has no friends and no family. She lives by the rules, trying to blend in with everyone so she is not seen as an outsider. But things change for her when Malfunctions start popping up in The State. After witnessing the death of the Malfunction who murdered The President of The State, Cassiopeia returns to her Residential Unit and heads to bed, knowing that life is only going to get worse from there. Security will be tightened, and anyone who is seen as an outsider is going to be taken to The Labour District where they will spend the rest of their life in misery and agony. That night, after Cassiopeia has fallen into a peaceful slumber, she wakes up to a rapid pounding on her door. The minute Cassiopeia opens that door, she has to make a decision that will change her life drastically and put it in danger for as long as she lives.