The "Male Angst" books are anthologies of "situationships" (portmanteau of situation and relationship), and reflect the ills of the postmodern dating landscape after 2010. The book is from the point of view of a libertarian Black male, who has to navigate the mainstream and the "street" worlds. As a result, the Male Angst genre is a mix between dark humor, erotic fiction, and quasi-urban fiction (street lit) targeted towards men from the ages of 35 to 55. The first installation ("FML: I Always Get 'Those' Chicks") of this genre was written seven years ago, chronicling the two situationships that the protagonist, Reginald Jenkins III, goes through.
Seven years after the anthology of FML: I Always Get "Those" Chicks, Reginald Jenkins is back at it again. Too black for the mainstream and not black enough for the underground, the quintessential "Classic Man" navigates dynamic work and familial relationships. After his lackadaisical roommate gets him to join a happy hour kickball league, he finds himself disoriented, dazed and high. Why? Because of Smokin' Thuy'd.
Monkeys have tails and men have tales. The "Male Angst" genre was created by Bobby Cenoura to highlight what many men know but don't often write about. Cenoura's writing style uses human interaction, eroticism, and cultural awareness while focusing on the tradeoffs average modern men make in the postmodern dating world.