Make Love not war a wonderful and lovely notebook with sweet message for all lovers, fiances, fianc es, married people, friends and family members. This beautiful design is made for lovely, happy, joyful and great people of all ages and all races. It is a wonderful present for young and old. A lovely easter gift, a sweet christmas present, a romantic valentines gift, a cute birthday present and also made for other occasions. The notebook contains 120 lined blank pages and has the size of 6x9 inches. It fits in every bag and is made for every use.
Examples of use:
notebookcreative logbooksketchbookagendaweekly plannerfitness diary / sports plannermeal planner / food diarydiet diary / weight loss plannerbirthday calenderappointment plannerachievement diarymotivation diary6 minute diary / 5 minute diary