A red-letter day had turned bizarre as a lady in her mid-thirties, Ritz Laggard had been murdered in the most grotesque manner right at the venue of a high-powered business meeting. Inspector Brown is assigned the case file to unravel the killer and has an inkling it was state-sponsored.
Meanwhile, when Stewart Larzio narrowly escaped death by the whiskers, in the same typical scenario as Ritz Laggard, it dawned on Inspector Brown that a serial killer was on the loose as he found a connection between both scenes in the same city of Bloomington.
As Brown is faced with catching a murderer whose antics he has been trying to catch up with, bureaucratic tendencies within the police formation poses as a stumbling bloc.
He is caught in a limbo shortly after and is left without an option than to play out a script considered too magical for a cop, before the killer claims another victim.
Even though he had to throw in the batch, would he also throw in the towel on catching the killer?