"Relays a story underscoring the importance of self-respect and confidence." - Publishers Weekly
"This book focuses on the protagonist Macie's perceptions of herself. She starts off as a secure, confident young girl until she meets a girl named Penelope who makes her start doubting her beauty. Using a mirror was a helpful way for the illustrator/author to get students to start thinking about the ways they perceive themselves. Self-love is important and this book will help motivate little girls to feel good about themselves." - Josiah Quincy Upper School
Good enough was never good enough for Macie. She wanted to be the best. Until the day Macie took a look in the mirror and learned a very important lesson . . .
A story about self-respect and confidence, for not-so-perfect kids ages 4 years and up.
Guided Reading Level I"Macie is a girl, who wants to be the very, very best. Things get tough when a new girl starts at her school. She talks to her mirror and to her dad and the story shows that as long as you love yourself, things are just fine The illustrations were quite lovely and the story covers the kind of things I want my daughters to know now at a young age. Very well done" - Lioness of Literacy