How Do You Be Good to Your Gut? ask Lulu! Using her newly found Magic Word, she dreams that she's right back inside herself- asking organs Louie Liver, Pammy Pancreas, and the Kidney Brothers, as well as her microbe friends, Abby Acidophilus and Benny Bifidus: What are your favorite and least favorite foods?
They give her the answers- all in rhymes!
Then Stanley Stem Cell again takes her through the circulation system- giving her more valuable info.
She returns to her bed and explains all to her mom who exclaims, "Your dreams are incredible! Let's work together toward healthier eating!"
Kids as well as adults will be fascinated by Chris' prototypes and Steve's incredibly imaginative and superb illustrations.
The graphic novel is appropriate for juveniles 8-young adult interested in health and wellness. It covers digestive organs, explains function of digestive enzymes, Microbiome, probiotics, healthy foods, unhealthy foods, liver, pancreas, kidneys, gut, colon, stem cells.