This third collection, like the previous two, contains the most novel and cutting-edge scholarship in Lovecraftiana, taking familiar topics down unfamiliar paths, amply demonstrating that H. P. Lovecraft's work has more resonance in modern culture than ever before. All in all, a bumper crop of criticism and anaysis that will appeal to academics and Lovecraft's most erudite fans alike
Lovecraftian Proceedings is the Official Organ of the Dr. Henry Armitage Memorial Symposium. Established in 2013 as a key part of NecronomiCon Providence, the Armitage Symposium fosters exploration of Lovecraft as a rationalist who created an elaborate cosmic mythology, and how this mythology was influenced by, and has come to influence, numerous other authors and artists.
Preface ...... Niels-Viggo Hobbs
Introduction ...... Dennis P. Quinn
Lovecraft's Dark Continent: At the Mountains of Madness and Antarctic Literature ...... Ian Fetters
Alexander Blok and H. P. Lovecraft: On the Mythopoetics of the Supernatural ...... Elena Tchougounova-Paulson
At the Mountains of Mars: Viewing the Red Planet through a Lovecraftian Lens ...... Edward Guimont
Fascism Eternal Lies: H. P. Lovecraft, Georges Bataille, and the Destiny of the Fascists ...... Ray Huling
Stages of the Spiral: Lovecraft's Descent into the Maelstrom ...... Sean Moreland
H. P. Lovecraft and the Dynamics of Detective Fiction ...... Heather Poirier
Lovecraft out of Space: Echoes of American Weird Fiction on Brazilian Literature and Cinema ...... L cio Reis Filho
Red Hand, Red Hook: Machen, Lovecraft, and the Urban Uncanny ...... Karen Joan Kohoutek
Naming the Unnamable: Lovecraft's Return of the d104 ...... Paul Neimann
Correlating the Contents of Lovecraft's Closet ...... Fiona Maeve Geist and Sadie Shurberg
Lovecraft Meets the Mummy: Orientalism, Race, and Monstrous Egypt in "Imprisoned with the Pharaohs" and "Out of the Aeons" ...... Troy Rondinone
The Cosmic Drone of Azathoth: Adapting Literature into Sound ...... Nathaniel R. Wallace
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Dr. Henry Armitage Memorial Scholarship Symposium