This poetry book collection is written by the author and poet, Kelsey Jan Gaither, pseudonymous known as, Kelsey Jan. This collection of 36 poems and 21 journal entries {57 pieces total} illustrates many deep, meaningful thoughts, ideas, and issues dealt with by several, throughout the hard journeying and findings of life. These philosophical and creative poetry writings involve the commonly found ideas with the encounters of love, life, people, friends, and personal struggle! In a relatable, cleverly written, and simplistic modernized style of format, the author speaks inspiration, wisdom, and comfort to the minds of its teenage and young adult readers-who may be going through a hard time and looking for love, hope, friendship, and personal triumph in life and not sure if anyone else can really relate! It is both motivational and entertaining to its diverse group of many interested readers. These poems offer advice, and a message... Life can be tough, but you are not alone. Don't be afraid to be yourself and find what matters most to you! Your personal happiness is of utmost importance in life. Fight for what is right, never give up, or surrender! The things we find along the way are well worth any of the struggle...
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