The thieving knight steals her castle then threatens to secrete her forever in a convent. Lady Rochelle's only option: Seduce her enemy.
France, 1355 AD, during the Hundred Years' War when England battled for the French Crown.
What's more dangerous than hating the enemy who stole your lands? Loving the enemy who stole your heart.
Lady Rochelle must seduce Becket before he imprisons her in a convent, and before he uncovers the secret about her half-brother who carries the enemy's seed the mysterious knight vows to eradicate, and before he discerns her intention to furtively seek aid from the French king to oust the usurper from her lands. At least Becket is not one of the hated English knight who ravages their country to win the French Crown.
Sire Becket swears to secrete Rochelle in a convent so that his enemy's bloodline will die with her, and before he succumbs to her seductions that tempt him to forget she's his enemy. And before she discovers he's an English knight.