All that glitters ain't healed, is the reality for many women around the world who are believing God to meet and marry the man of their dreams. The Power Pusher has given birth to a masterpiece that forces the spotlight on the unhealed places in their glittering lives. She does this by exposing those unhealed places that propel powerful women to choose and love well below their rank in God.
The Love On Your Rank In God series is for every queen who is being delayed by her unhealed inner princess and beliefs that stifle her from increasing in rank. Now is the time to remove that wounded inner child from the driver's seat and coach her into the passenger's seat. Now is the time to replace crippling thinking with a renewed kingdom mindset. By the end of this soul pressing series, queens from all walks of life will undoubtedly emerge ROCKING a kingdom mindset that will ensure that they attract and marry their kingdom ordained spouse. Each volume brings a powerful and unique soul gift. The queen who is committed to growing will:
1. Fully understand what it means to choose love from a low rank and unhealed place in God. Vol 1
2. Recognize and address the brokenness of her wounded inner princess. Vol 2
3. Confidently discern when she's dealing with a wounded prince versus healed king. Vol 3
4. Recognize and break bloodline love and delay barriers that are determined to frustrate her marital destiny. Vol 4