On her morning drive into the office, Alyse routinely despised how Bryce made her feel -confused, guilty and as if her mind might explode. She regularly thought about letting him go, but she couldn't. As with relationships before this, once again, she felt stuck. After all, Alyse's sole purpose for living had centered around wanting a man to desire her, a partner to make her feel whole, someone to give her life meaning. But, she loved the wrong people, and she loved them too much, spending months, sometimes years, seeking affection from those most incapable of giving it. Finally reaching her breaking point, Alyse started to wonder. What was it that fueled this insatiable longing to be loved?
A powerful and engaging memoir, Losing Me to be Loved by You, tells the true story of one woman's personal journey toward self-understanding in her effort to break free from a pattern of complicated relationships. With raw self-awareness and compelling insights, she intimately shares the heartaches, choices and challenges of these relationships, demonstrating how the power of the past's unhealed wounds can unknowingly influence our most meaningful decisions today.