Todo, todo, todo?
Ni siquiera el universo fue creado con tantas expectativas
Seamos sinceras: no somos ni superwomans, ni perfectas. Adem s, el multitasking es un invento del demonio.
Por su culpa acabamos planchando el informe de la oficina o tom ndonos la papilla del beb .
Nos ganamos a pulso las victorias, y nos re mos de nuestros errores, si no fuera por ellos ser amos diosas
Empod rate de humor y buena onda con las historias de Mym
Seguro que m s de una te ha pasado a ti
What do you mean that I can do it all? Everything? What does it mean that I can do everything? Not even the universe was created with so many expectations
Let's be honest: we are neither superwoman, nor perfect. In addition, multitasking is an evil concept. It is because of it that we end up ironing the office report and eating the baby's food. We praise our victories and laugh at our mistakes, if it weren't for them, we would be goddesses
Empower yourself with humor and good vibes from Mym's stories. Surely more than one of them has happened to you