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From Kreepers from the Krypt.
Kreepy Skripts about,
Ghostlike Heroes and Villainous Villains.
A Country in Europe will suffer an attack from a Vagabond Ruler. He will fight against the King's Men for Land, Milk and Money. They will take the Castle by force in Battle. But before it ends. The Castle will fight back in a way the enemy would never imagine. Every Knight in Shining Silvery Armor will walk off a pedestal, arch in a doorway down the hall, statues will wake in front and throughout the Castle and Roof, will hear the King's Plea and Prayer. The sound of metal and swords rise. Too fight an army that the living armies failed to conquer? I guess the old saying only the dead can stop the dead lived on as well, here?
Twenty Two Novellas at the moment. Each in size from 25,000 to 46,000 words.