Two demon sisters.
One demon throne.
War is coming, and Hell will be unleashed to crown the Queen of the Night.
Get ready for a wilder ride...
Present-day Scotland, America...and Hell
Longinus is bound to Lilith, the Mother of Demons, again.
Once more, he is her champion, her slave - her Revenant.
She commands him to protect the fledgling vampire lady of New York from an army of horrific feral vampires.
To save Lady Veronica and her coven, he must descend into the dark bowels of the city and confront the terrifying and insane feral queen.But his real troubles are just beginning.
A beautiful and seductive demoness has ensnared him in her plot to destroy Lilith; an ancient lover has appeared with her heart set on revenge; Lilith's hideous daughters are baying for his blood, and the King of Demons wants to devour his soul.
However, the past dictates the future, and terrible events that occurred in ancient Rome, during the French Revolution and in 18th century New York will affect his fate and destiny.
The final battle will take place in Purgatory.
There, he must stand alone, like a wounded lion, and face the hideous obscenities of Hell.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. There is truly no redemption for the damned.
"This has got to be the most epic and fantastically addicting Trilogy I've read in ages "
Longinus returns with a vengeance in his next exciting, bloodthirsty, and darkly-disturbing HORROR adventure.
It contains scenes of violence, depravity and adventure that will keep humans awake at night.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
The dark and terrifying tale is in the tongues of the Britons and the New World.
Gird your loins, mortal, and enter of your own free will.
You may never want to return.
This is the realm of true horror.