Long Violent History
By: Kristen Renee
Part One:
Small town truck driver Eli Sigmund seems like a quiet family man. Nobody in town, his family included, suspects a thing. They'd never guess that he had been satisfying his homicidal urges for years now. Newcomer Roy gets along with just about everybody, Eli included, as they become nearly inseparable. After some time, Eli discovers a dark secret of Roy's and questions him about it. When confronted, Roy threatens to tell everyone about Eli's murderous lifestyle. The two of them use each other's secrets against one another in this violent game of chicken.
Part Two:
Twenty-five years have passed, and Eli tries to make things right with his family, especially with his son, Kent. While trying to build a relationship with him, he quickly discovers Kent takes after him a little more than he would have liked. The more Eli gets to know Kent, the more things from the past begin to come up. Can Eli escape his past? Or will he end up back where he began?
About the Author
Kristen Renee was raised in Osceola Missouri, where her passion for writing came at the early age of eight years old. As she got older and her short stories were being read by her peers, she enjoyed hearing what others had to say about them. She sadly lost interest in writing after graduating high school, but during the 2020 lockdown, her lifelong passion of storytelling sparked back up and is stronger than ever.