We are thrilled to announce Anglotopia's newest book: London Tube 101- History, Culture, and Travel on London's Transport Network. This new publication is your complete guidebook to London's iconic transport network's history, culture, and guide to using the famous London Tube network. The book will be released in September and we need to start pre-orders now.
We do a deep dive into the London Tube's fascinating history, covering the history of the tube network, fascinating stories, London's abandoned and hidden Tube stations and so much more. This comprehensive book covers everything from the first Metropolitan Railway to the newly opened Elizabeth Line. In addition to all of this, we'll provide useful and practical information using the network on your travels. It's a combination of a history book, guidebook, and culture book.
Following a similar format to our previous books, such as 101 Budget Britain Travel Tips and 101 London Travel Tips it is a pleasure to read. Tube enthusiasts will adore this 300-page book, sure to learn something new about the most famous rail network in the world. From the history of every tube line, including facts about each tube line, to long-reads on the history of specific Tube-related topics, this comprehensive guide is a must-have for the Tube enthusiast.
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