Little Dinosaur ABC Coloring Book For Kids - Dinosaur Alphabet Coloring Book - Jurassic World Coloring Book
If your son loves dinosaurs, this is the best choice for your child. Kids love coloring. This book combines learning and fun. Your child will learn the alphabet with the names of dinosaurs through coloring. The book also contains general information about each type of dinosaur, such as length, height, size, and speed.
List of names of dinosaurs in the book:
ApatosaurusBrachiosaurusCorythosaurusDimetrodonEoraptorFabrosaurusGiganotosaurusHeterodontosaurusiguanodonJanenschiaKentrosaurusLambeosaurusMaiasauraNodosaurusOviraptorPlesiosaurusQuaesitosaurusRiojasaurusStegosaurusTriceratopsUnenlagiaVelociraptorWannanosaurusXiaosaurusYangchuanosaurusZuniceratopsRelated Subjects