Linda Bradley, who had Down syndrome, was born at a time when children like her were less likely to be welcomed into the world with open arms. But that never kept her from wrapping her arms warmly around the world. She found joy in it, learned from it, and spent her time in it making friends. Linda simply loved her way through life by loving the people she met and leaving them better and happier because of it.
This is her story from a distinct perspective. It opens with a sketch on the circumstances that greeted her on arrival in the 1950s and unfolds as a peek into the family life through which she prospered. But this book is, above all else, a lively sampling of the wit and warmth in Linda's big, bright personality. She found her place on this earth and gave it some of the innocence and caring and color it needed. And all of it comes through vividly and with heart, here in the pages of Linda.
All proceeds from the sale of this book will be directed to organizations dedicated to serving the needs of adults with Down syndrome.