I am Rev. Dr. Terri L. Strong, a 62-year-old lifelong native Memphian and African Methodist Episcopal Church denomination member. I am the youngest of 10 children born to Mr. and Mrs. James Strong. I am the mother of 2 sons, Andre' Strong and Cameron Hayward. I graduated from Memphis State University in 1989 with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, from Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce Ohio with a Master of Divinity in 2011 and a Doctor of Ministry at Regent University in 2018.
I am a retired Sergeant with the Shelby County Sheriff's Office where I served as an officer and Sergeant (supervisor) in the Jail Division, as a Detective in the Internal Affairs Office and as an Instructor for the Training Academy. I am the founder of a non-profit organization called Basic Intervention for New Direction, which is a social educational and advocacy program for families with delinquent youth and their parents.
I am a past national board member of the Neighborhoods, USA Organization or "NUSA" which is a national grass roots organization established to help build better communities. I am a member of two social organizations ZETA PHI BETA Sorority and Eastern Star. I am a former foster parent. I am the author of six published publications, Seminary Dissertation-Developing A Prison Re-Entry and Disciple-Making Protocol for families in the West Tennessee Region of the Thirteenth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Memphis, Tennessee, "Wee Wisdom", Inspiration for Life's Journey", "Prison to Priesthood-A CO's Perspective, Wisdom Personified and my newest Lynching Lynchism-Its Time to Heal and What We Must Do. I am an Itinerant Elder and Pastor of Mt. Sinai AME Church in Arlington. Most of all I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.