"Holy" expresses the impossibility of attaining or grasping the Light that none can approach. In other words, it expresses the impossibility of comprehending or knowing that Light as fully as it is comprehended by God's Word and Spirit alone, but which all the same is so close and attainable that all of our blessedness lies in seeing God face to face.--Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky
"Read Sheptytsky's words again. And this time, replace 'holy' with 'saint.' How illuminating!....English is among the few languages that distinguish 'saint' and 'holy.' In Greek, Latin, Slavonic--and a host of modern tongues--the two are the same word."--From the Foreword by Fr. Peter Galadza, PhD
Catholics worldwide are increasingly heeding the call of the late Pope John Paul II to breathe spiritually "with both lungs"--to be inspired by both Western and Eastern Christianity. Yet many Catholics are unaware that the Roman Catholic Church is in communion with twenty-two other Churches, which together comprise the Eastern Catholic Churches. Focused on Eastern holy ones Lights From the East presents incredible riches to English speakers worldwide, including icons, biographies, Scripture, reflections, translated quotations from the service that honors the saint, prayers, and original hymns set to Rusyn or Galician melodies.