"I'll figure it out by myself." Does this describe your problem solving? Do you refuse to ask for help? Or perhaps you go to your peers. All the while, there's your Maker standing by to help you. He provides a library full of answers. Author Alice Cravens Moore chooses one of those books, Proverbs, as a main source of assurance that empowers you to be lifted up by your Creator.
Many professed believers are stumbling in their Christian walk because they do not tap into the source of daily deliverance. Lift Me Up is a book of wisdom, filled with anti-depressants and pep for the soul. Learn to keep your heart, speak a good word, and practice being merry. Alice Cravens Moore urges you to look inside the Good Book in order to be lifted up. Accept safety, responsibility, and reverence as a way of life. You don't have to figure it out by yourself. Let God lift you up.