This book discusses the "special call" to ministry and describes how our calling is interconnected with the other key areas of life. God's callings for our lives include a broad spectrum of areas. Our Creator, who "knits us together in our mother's womb," places within our hearts and minds our purpose for our being on earth, and out of that context calls us to serve the needs of His Kingdom-sometimes in specific ways. While not everyone is called to dedicate their careers to ministry, everyone is
called to engage in the Lord's work on some level and many times to multiple tasks in life. This book examines the wide range of those callings and focuses on the "special call" to ministry.
This book answers many of the questions students have about the "special call" to ministry and is written to guide young people as they choose their career fields-especially in ministry. In working in higher education for over four decades, the author has observed many students struggle to determine which major they should take in college and decide whether they are called to the ministry.
The second part of the book is dedicated to finding God's will for our lives. Upon graduation, many ministry students seek to know which ministry opportunity they should take.
However, there are other times when our calling comes directly from our Creator. God calls us and we know with conviction that He has called us. There are other times when our calling flows out of the situation we find ourselves in-and sometimes this is not of our own choosing. At other times our callings are connected to the choices that we make. For example, when we choose to get married, we take on the calling of serving our spouse. In all of life, God masterfully uses our circumstances to call us to His work.