The best people I know are those who have known defeat, known struggles, have suffered loss and faced it all. They found their way out of the depths of despair and depression by keeping good memories alive and letting go of the rest. When one can succeed in this, it leads to a more serene existence. One must try to leave the past behind in order to restore your own balance and a better today and tomorrow. In the end, it is not how long we live but how we live it. This is a story about my life's journey. A life that is unimaginable with great memories. As I go through each story, it reminds me of the happy and sad moments as well as all the batt les that I have fought and won. I wrote this book because I want to share the beauty of life I have lived together with my beloved wife Donna who has been my inspiration and my strength. This is a book about everything. Just enjoy the ride while you go through reading the chapters and feel each moment. Learn and be inspired