Hurrying out of the supermarket with a typical shopping bag of items, Vincent is mown down by a passing car. Symbolised by the items in his shopping basket, each embarrassing episode in his downtrodden life passes before his eyes as he struggles to survive. A life-changing near-death experience related with compelling satirical humor, guaranteed to make you smile.
Vincent fidgeted as he waited in the ten-items-or-less lane, for he clearly had more than ten items in his dainty, little basket. As the line of impatient shoppers grew he was sure he'd be publicly humiliated for the sin of supermarket disobedience. The practice of stoning would resurface, only frozen Cornish-hens would be launched at his large frame instead of stones. If only he knew within a few minutes he'd be visiting the afterlife after being hit by a car, he would've checked his minor anxiety attack at the customer service counter.
As Vincent's spirit rose above the mayhem, so too, did each of his purchased items, as each of them triggered a remarkable and occasionally embarrassing memory of his past. He was forced to examine his current state of unhappiness as he awaited answers to the lingering questions: Would his life end in the parking lot of his favorite grocer? Would he be accurate in the belief that heaven was non-existent?