My name is Calin. And in the Romanian community in Houston, people knew me as a quiet, cheerful man with a smile always on his face. But that was until the entire community and beyond were shocked after my daughter Alesia posted a letter online. Her statement immediately went viral, - with quite a large view in only four days. Now, as a victim of the attack, I am claiming my identity and I am going to tell you a story about trauma, transcendence, and the power of words. Struggling with isolation and shame, after the attack and during lawsuits, I will reveal the faces of victims of injustice even in cases where the judicial evidence is clear and there are witnesses.
This book, I believe, will completely transform the way we view aggression by questioning our beliefs about what is acceptable and speaking loud and clear about the tumultuous reality. I hope that by weaving pain, resilience and humor, my memoir will become one of the classic modern writings in a contemporary reality. At a time when memoirs are criticized as nonessential and overly introspective, I remind you that our stories are worth telling, that names and lives related to those names matter.