Uncovering an alien conspiracy aimed at the most influential members of the Federation has certainly done Lisa's career a world of good! Her reputation as a bounty hunter willing to track down and discretely retrieve whatever the client might desire has begun to soar, to the point that planetary leaders have begun to seek out the services of the brutish amazon. Whether it's the geniocratic splendor of New Athens, or the transhumanist exotica of Furcadia, Lisa has a plethora of new people to encounter, feel incredibly awkward around, and struggle to socialize with. Including more than a few who find her far more attractive than she ever found herself. But every world faces its own unique challenges, be they inhuman (and inhumane) masters of the art of negging and radicalization, covert and amoral entrepreneurs, or xenoarthropods dropping in to make a buffet of the locals. It looks like the reward for a task well done is an even harder task, and Lisa's going to have to learn on the job.