Leadership is central to determining the success or failure of an organization, and its high priority on the management agenda is reflected in the number of businesses covering this essential subject. Leadership MBA Masterclass offers an important and incisive contribution to the current debate.
This book provides an analysis of leadership styles, qualities and behaviours. It draws on examples from the real world, studying successful role models (Baroness Thatcher, Sir John Harvey-Jones, Jack Welch), and outlining what can be learnt from their styles. Philip Sadler offers an in-depth guide to the important leadership issues covered in MBA courses, including: defining leadership; leadership and management; how to select and develop future leaders; cultural differences in leadership style; and what it takes to be a leader in the present day. The second edition of Leadership MBA Masterclass has been considerably expanded with research findings and examples. Although the book is primarily designed to meet the needs of students on management courses leading to an MBA degree or similar qualification, Leadership MBA Masterclass is also suitable for all who practise leadership, who would like to gain a better understanding of the process, and even draw inspiration from the ideas it contains. Authoritative and academic, yet practical, the MBA Masterclass series is designed to cover the latest developments in management thinking and practice. Covering the core subjects on current MBA programmes and business courses, the series will: accelerate your MBA; develop your knowledge; improve your skills.