Foreword.- Preface.- Introduction.- Table of contents.- About the Authors.- Part I: Civil Law versus Common Law.- Never the Twain Shall Meet?; Kai Purnhagen.- To What Extent Is the Opposition Between Civil Law and Common Law Relevant for Law and Economics?; R?gis Lanneau.- Comparative Study of Legal Reasoning in Swiss and UK Courts; Lynn Watkins.- Part II: Economic and Legal Thinking.- Homo Economicus versus Homo Iuridicus; Mariusz J. Golecki.- Three Realistic Strategies for Explaining and Predicting Judicial Decisions; Diego Moreno-Cruz.- Some Thoughts on Economic Reasoning in Appellate Courts and Legal Scholar-ship; Endre Stavang.- Cultures of Administrative Law in Europe: From Weberian Bureaucracy to 'Law and Economics'; Klaus Mathis.- Part III: The Limits of Legal Transplants.- The "Hand Rule" as a Standard of Care in Swiss Tort Law?; Balz Hammer and Sandra Duss.- Efficiency and Swiss Contract Law; Ariane Morin.- Class Action Lawsuits in Europe: A Comparative and Economic Analysis; Ricardo Dawidowicz.- Crown Witnesses in Switzerland?; Zinon Koumbarakis.- Part IV: Economic Analysis in EU Law.- The Case for a Principled Approach to Law and Economics: Efficiency Analysis and General Principles of EU Law; Aur?lien Portuese.- Homo Economicus, Behavioural Sciences, and Economic Regulation: On the Concept of Man in Internal Market Regulation and its Normative Basis; Jens-Uwe Franck and Kai Purnhagen.- Economic Principles in Antitrust Law in the Aftermath of the More Economic Approach; Claudia Seitz.- Index.