Retrieving what's been lost may cost a prize of equal value...
Imprisoned by the enemy, Charlotte plots to escape, finding salvation in an unlikely ally. But the home and family at her destination know less peace than her heart.
Led by King Arthur, Camelot is closing in, and war is only a matter of time. The question is: can Charlotte protect her daughter while it rages? Morgana's mysterious power is stronger than ever, and ambitious forces wish to harness it for the battlefield.
Never before have alliances been so fragile, secrets so dark or stakes so high. As realms prepare to ride for hell, the greatest conflicts prove internal, blurred by love and loyalty. However right each side may be, it's must lose.
BRITTNI CHENELLE currently lives in Seoul, Korea which inspires her multicultural fantasy books. Her favorite genres to read and write are Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult Romance, Fairytale Retellings, and Young Adult Dystopian novels. She's very passionate about equal representation and makes a point to include characters from different backgrounds and cultures in her Fantasy stories.